May 25, 2016: APMP Bid & Proposal Con (featured speaker)
APMP Bid and Proposal Conference (featured speaker) The Only Proposal Development Secret You Need to Know When: May 25-28, 2016 Where: Sheraton Boston, MA
APMP Bid and Proposal Conference (featured speaker) The Only Proposal Development Secret You Need to Know When: May 25-28, 2016 Where: Sheraton Boston, MA
It’s only a matter of time. If it hasn’t happened already, you will eventually have to develop and deliver a presentation for a co-worker, a boss, a customer, or a prospect--whether you like it or not. If you are like…
APMP-NCA Mid-Atlantic Conference (featured speaker) Conquer Your Fears: Be a Star Presenter When: October 22, 2015 Where: Waterford at Springfield in Springfield, VA.